The Worship committee is responsible for service content and adult education.
Report of the Worship Committee to the 2022 Annual Meeting 1/29/23
The Worship Committee met regularly during 2022, approximately every 4-6 weeks. Members included Rev. Victor Rogers, priest-in-charge; Karen Langin, Chair; Colleen Mailhot; Elaine Quicquaro; Kathie Trowbridge; Melita Harris; Tammy Carissimi; Holly Paternoster; and Linda Caesar.
While still navigating Covid, the Worship Committee held a drive-by pick up for ashes on Ash Wednesday as well as a Soup & Salad Supper prior to the Ash Wednesday Service. On Palm Sunday weekend, we held a drive-by for picking up palms on Saturday and arranged for the reading of the Passion on Sunday. Chat and Chew did a Bible study of The Chosen during Lent. On Maundy Thursday, we held an Agape Meal prior to the service of Holy Eucharist followed by the Stripping of the Altar. On April 6, we hosted a Vigil for Ukraine. Three town churches participated; packets of sunflower seeds were handed out. It was well attended. Other major holidays were planned for as appropriate: Epiphany, Pentecost, St. Francis of Assisi, All Saints’ Day, Advent. Victor officially resigned in June, but remained with us through September 30. Colleen worked hard to obtain supply clergy for us with a minimal number of Sundays to be led by lay people. The Worship Committee did not meet in December, and we were concerned that we could not get someone to come for Christmas Eve, Colleen was eventually able to get Fr. Rock, and the Christmas Eve Service was held at 5:00 p.m. Karen resigned as Chair of the Worship Committee since she will be away for the winter. No one to date has accepted the position.